
                                                                         ANTI-RAGGING POLICY OF CKB COMMERCE COLLEGE, JORHAT
To root out ragging in all its forms from College by instituting anti-ragging measures and providing for strict punishments to be meted out to persons violating the Anti-Ragging Regulations of the College

What is ragging?

Ragging is defined by the Supreme Court of India as:

 Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension there of in a fresher or a junior student.
 Asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

Likewise, The Assam Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999, enacted by the Assam Legislative Assembly defines Ragging as:

 Either display or noisy or disorderly conduct or doing of any act which causes or is likely to cause social, physical or psychological harm
 Raise apprehension or fear or shame or embarrassment to any student in any educational institution and includes teasing, abusing of, playing practical jokes on or causing hurt to, such students

Prohibition of Ragging

Ragging within the College Campus including its common areas, open spaces and hostels is strictly prohibited. Ragging in any form is prohibited inside the campus.

Punishment for Ragging

Those found guilty for ragging (both involved directly or aiding ragging) will be liable for one or more of the following punishments depending upon the gravity of the offence

 Cancellation of admission
 Suspension from attending classes
 Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination / withholding results
 Debarring from representing the institution in any regional / national / youth festival
 Permanent Expulsion from the hostel / College
 Collective punishment when persons committing or abetting the crime cannot be identified

Measures for Eradicating Ragging

 Anti-ragging regulations are included in the Admission Prospectus. At the time of admission of a student in the College, an Affidavit on Rs.10 stamp paper, duly notarized, signed by the student and countersigned signed by the parent shall be mandatory. Format of the affidavit to be submitted is given on college prospectus/ website.
 A student will not be admitted until the affidavits as required are submitted
 Create awareness among the students, parents and guardians before the start of the Academic Session.

All the students are informed to follow the Campus Rules and code of conduct through college website. It is also informed in the Induction meeting.
1. Ragging is totally prohibited in the campus. If any student is found indulging in ragging, severe action will be taken against the student.
2. Based on the Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India„s Direction, the UGC has issued Regulations and Guide lines. Some of the guidelines are as under:
3. The UGC Regulations on “What Constitutes Ragging” is given in Annexure –I

4. The UGC Guidelines on the award of punishment to those found guilty are also given in the Annexure II.
5. As per the Campus Rules and Code of Conduct for students the Minor and Major Penalty that may be imposed on the student has also been given in the Annexure-III for information of the students.

The Anti ragging Committee is formed with the following members

Chairman– Dr Ranjit Sarma, Principal
Convenor– Dr Sarat Borah, Head, Deptt. Of Business Management
Members: Dr Purabi Borthakur, Academic Vice Principal
Mrs Gitali Hazarika, Head, Assamese
Mrs Mallika Das, Head, Economics
Mr Dimbeswar Borah, Dept. of Hindi

All the senior students are instructed not to indulge in any form of ragging. Collection of money forcefully from the freshers’ will also be considered as a form of ragging. In case of any trace of ragging by the students, severe punishment will be imposed. Measures taken to ensure the safety of the girl students in our campus Women’s grievance cell: A committee comprising lady staff members is constituted which takes care of women’s issues. The cell conducts regular meetings with professional counselors. The college also houses a dedicated Common Girls Room with first aid facilities. To address the complaints filed by the girls and lady faculty, this cell was constituted under the leader of senior lady faculty and the warden . This cell looks after the issues related safety of the girl students and encourages the students to lodge complaints fearlessly. The entire college campus has full CCTV coverage.

Heads of Departments are instructed to bring the above Rules and regulations to the notice of senior students for prevention and prohibition of ragging in this college. The circular and the annexure are displayed in the College Notice Board for reference of the students.

Link for more information:

Anti Ragging Cell-

Social Circle